Raiders gay pride shirt

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I can’t find out for sure, but I guess that Nassib does not want to discuss being gay, letting his June coming out video statement speak for itself. I messaged a Raiders beat writer about Nassib being gay and his reply was that “it hasn’t come up yet.” The theory for years is that an openly gay NFL player would result in a media circus, but in the Raiders case it’s more of a flea circus. Gruden cares a lot more about one of his highest-paid defenders getting more sacks this season (given the Raiders’ defense in 2020, I would too). So much for a gay player being a distraction. : BACK TOGETHER SATURDAY! All day on /Q3UF6aJClc- NFL July 31, 2021 Jon Gruden speaks on one of the leaders, Carl Nassib. What makes a man different is what makes him great.' 'What makes a man great is what makes him different.

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